September 2018 Checklist

I like to write down my goals each month. It helps me remember them and stay accountable. Here are my goals this month!

How to Start a Meditation Practice

September Goals:

  1. Go to grad school.
  2. Eat gluten-free and dairy-free.
  3. Go to bed by 11 pm most weeknights. 
  4. Write at least 7 Forbes articles.
  5. Continue BBG.
  6. Watch less TV. (I watched so much TV over the summer and as a way to unwind last month.)
  7. Get 8 hours of sleep a night.
  8. Read at least one book. (I’m reading The Last Mrs. Parish)
  9. Meal prep and pack lunch and snacks every school day.
  10. Publish Elana Lyn posts at least two times a week.

    And here’s how I did last month!

  11. Start Columbia Journalism school!!! (Done!)
  12. Eat mostly or totally gluten-free and dairy-free. (Done!)
  13. Go to bed by 11 pm most weeknights. (Done!)
  14. Write at least 7 Forbes articles. (Done!)
  15. Continue BBG. (Done!)
  16. Wake up by 7:30 am most weekdays. (50/50)
  17. Get 8 hours of sleep a night. (Done!)
  18. Read at least one book. (I read The Banker’s Wife and Every Last Lie.)
  19. Meal prep and pack lunch and snacks every school day. (Done!)
  20. Publish Elana Lyn posts at least two times a week. (Done!)