30 Day Challenge: No Takeout

Last month flew by because it was jam-packed with classes, homework, and some freelance writing. I used to have dinner plans with friends, a press event, or a workout class with friends after work every single night. I thought I enjoyed it but, now that I’ve been going home most nights after class or court reporting, I realize it can be kind of nice to unwind at home after a l-o-n-g day.

I’ve been cooking dinner more, and luckily I have two best friends right nearby so if I get lonely I can make impromptu plans without leaving the Upper West Side 😉 — my best friend from high school lives half an avenue away and I live with one of my best friends.  But sometimes after a long day I’m tempted to order something on Seamless or pick something up on my way home, but this month I’m going to challenge myself to cook dinner whenever I’m home. (Meal prepping has made it much easier to quickly make a good salad or grain bowl.)