February 2019 Checklist

Here’s what I want to accomplish this month!

  1. Read a book.
  2. Try two new recipes. 
  3. Write at least 2 Forbes articles.
  4. Visit DC for my friend’s engagement party!
  5. Get a desk for my room.
  6. Make lunch every day.
  7. Publish Elana Lyn at least once a week.
  8. Stay on top of email.
  9. Celebrate Galentine’s Day!
  10. Write the first 5,000 words of my thesis.

And here’s how I did last month!

  1. Do most of the interviews for my thesis. (Yes!)
  2. Go to bed by 11 pm most weeknights. (Yes!)
  3. Write at least 2 Forbes articles. (Yes!)
  4. Host a movie night with friends. (Yes!)
  5. Continue with BBG. (Yes, until I got hurt!)
  6. Marie Kondo my apartment. (Yes!)
  7. Read at least one book. (Yes!)
  8. Start my second semester at Columbia! (Yes!)
  9. Publish Elana Lyn posts at least two times a week. (I wrote at least once a week.)
  10. Apply to fellowships. (Yes!)