April 2018 Checklist

I like to write down my goals each month. It helps me remember them and stay accountable. Here are my goals this month!

April Goals:

  1. Run a half marathon.
  2. Workout 5 days per week.
  3. Go to bed by 11 pm most weeknights.
  4. Write at least 5 Forbes articles.
  5. Cook dinner 3 days a week.
  6. Wake up by 7:30 am most weekdays.
  7. Cook two new recipes.
  8. Read a book and write another 5 Good Books roundup. (I’m currently reading Full Frontal Feminism.)
  9. Try a 10-Day Detox and write about it.
  10. Publish Elana Lyn posts two or three times a week.

And here’s how I did in March:

March Goals:

  1. Train and run a half marathon if my leg feels better. (Done!)
  2. Workout 5 days per week. (Done!)
  3. Go to bed by 11 pm most weeknights. (Done!)
  4. Write at least 5 Forbes articles. (Done!)
  5. Cook dinner 3 days a week. (Done!)
  6. Wake up by 7:30 am most weekdays. (Done!)
  7. Cook two new recipes. (Done!)
  8. Read a book and write another 5 Good Books roundup. (Done! I read Amanda Wakes Up, Unbelievable, The Address, and Good Girls Revolt.)
  9. Try a 10-Day Detox and write about it. (Done! I did the Physique 57 diet for an article!)
  10. Publish Elana Lyn posts two or three times a week. (Done!)