30 Day Challenge: Evening Routine

This month’s 30 Day Challenge is creating a better evening routine. I am going to focus on creating a more relaxing routine after work/dinner/networking events/blogging/freelance writing. I think it will be helpful to slow down and have a bedtime routine.

Here’s what I’m going to do:

Set an Alarm: I am really good at procrastinating going to sleep. And, oddly enough, excellent at procrastinating waking up… I’m going to set an alarm to start my evening routine at 10 pm so I can turn off the lights and fall asleep by 10:30.

Read Before Bed: I used to read before bed because it helps me fall asleep. I’m going to start reading before bed.

Write in a Journal: I want to start keeping a journal again, even if I just write a few paragraphs.

Avoid Technology: I’m guilty of checking my email and social media on my phone right before hopping into bed, but I’m going to stop. I’ll just use my phone to set my alarm for the next day.

Prep for Tomorrow: If I pack lunch and my gym bag (work clothes etc.) the night before, getting ready in the morning will be faster.

What are your favorite parts of your evening routine? I’d love your tips!

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