How to Become a Morning Person

Confession: Before I started working for myself I was a total morning person. I’d wake up between 7 am and 7:30 am and head to a gym class or breakfast with a friend. I loved starting the day early and going to the gym so I could stay at work late or spend time with friends at night without worrying that I had missed a workout. (Working out helps me with stress and gives me energy for the day!) Over the past few weeks, I’ve slept through my alarm twice and hit snooze far too many times. (I keep my phone on the other side of my room so I have to get out of bed…but I have a bad habit of grabbing my phone and getting back in bed. Oy!)

I talked to a few friends who raved about the Bedtime alarm on the iPhone so I am going to try that and report back. In the meantime, here are a few other tips I’m going to follow again. If you have advice on becoming a morning person, I’m all ears!

How to Become a Morning Person

  1. Go to bed early.
  2. Put your alarm clock or phone on the other side of your room so you have to get up to turn it off.
  3. Drink a glass of cold water first thing in the morning.
  4. Know what you want to do with your time. Planning out something fun and rewarding to do with your time makes it much easier to crawl out of bed.
  5. Set your alarm close to when you actually have to wake up instead of setting it for earlier and hitting snooze.
  6. Open your curtains. Natural light helps cue that it is time to get up.
  7. Make your bed so you don’t go back to sleep.
  8. Keep track of when you wake up early and what you did with your time.
  9. Create a reward for waking up early such as going to the gym and getting a latte and muffin at your favorite bakery on the way to work or having a leisurely breakfast with a friend.
  10. Wake up at a similar time every weekday so you create a habit.