How to Embrace Uncertainty

Why are we so uncomfortable with uncertainty? Wouldn’t life be easier (or at least more comfortable) if we were equipped with tips for how to embrace uncertainty? Change, the very basic and inevitable foundation of human existence, can be the cause of many sleepless nights, anxiety, and fear.

Many of us have a strong psychological need to believe that if we plan and work hard enough, we can control exactly what will happen in our personal lives and careers. We form expectations and paint vivid pictures of what our future should look like that causes us to feel uneasy when our lives become different than what we had envisioned. It’s easy to believe that something is wrong with our plan. We begin to give in to our doubts and panic at life’s mysteries. And while we all straddle with familiarities and the unknown, it is those who are willing to embrace their uncertain futures and take significant risks that reap the greatest rewards.

To attain extraordinary success, we must learn to continuously evaluate whether we are letting the fear of life’s uncertainties keep us from pushing the boundaries of wondrous possibility. We need to incessantly put fear aside and ask ourselves, what we would do if we were not afraid. Here are tips for how to embrace uncertainty.

Welcome Failure:

Accept that many things are not in your control. Instead of avoiding failure because of the anger, pain, and frustration associated with it, look at failure analytically. Analyze what did not work, learn from it, and move forward quickly. Fail fast and fail often! Learn to view mistakes as valuable learning experiences. The faster you take a positive step forward, the faster you can leave the emotional spiral associated with failing.

Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable:

Personal growth happens when you push the boundaries of your comfort zone. The more you embrace being uncomfortable, the wider your comfort zone becomes. Challenge yourself every week to try something new or face a difficult task you would rather put off. You’ll boost your confidence and acquire tools for overcoming larger obstacles in the future.

Believe In Yourself:

Many times our discomfort and concern stem from our fear of being judged. We tend to give so much power to what others believe to be true about us that we undermine our ability to succeed. Don’t let toxic relationships decrease your self-confidence. Get to know yourself and decide what you really want. Accept your imperfections and love yourself unconditionally despite your challenges.

What do you think? How do you embrace uncertainty?

By Allyssa Munro for Her Agenda. Allyssa Munro is a 24-year old Digital Media Professional and Personal Development Writer who truly enjoys partnering with various businesses and professionals across the New York Metropolitan Area. This post was originally published on Her Agenda.

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