How to Make Happiness a Habit

It’s great to surround yourself with positive people, but sometimes we struggle with how to become one ourselves. It might take a bit of work, but it’s possible to change your negative outlook into a more positive one. Here’s how to make happiness a habit.

person writing on white paper

Say Goodbye to Negative Influences:

Get rid of the negative influences in your life. If you’re critiqued and criticized every time you attempt something, you’re not likely to make any progress. Learn to differentiate between someone who is giving constructive criticism and someone who is being cruel and making you feel bad about yourself and your ambitions.

Avoid Negative Thinking:  

Stop negative thoughts in their tracks. We’ve all had days where we feel like a project isn’t worthwhile or we won’t be successful. The more time you devote to negative thinking, the more you’ll believe the negative thoughts. It becomes harder to feel positive. So the next time you start thinking one of those thoughts, interrupt yourself. It’s time to channel your inner Scarlett O’Hara and make the decision to stop and get back to your work. Chances are good that tomorrow you’ll be too busy killing your to-do list to remember the mean things you were telling yourself.

Have Fun:

Take a break from being super-serious all the time and find things that bring you joy. This can be anything at all—rock climbing, cat videos, “Heart and Soul” piano duets with your nephew, or just dancing around your room. Having some time to relax and not think about work for a little bit can often help you get more accomplished later on.

Cultivate Positivity:

Keep a “yes” mindset rather than giving in to a tailspin of negativity. One of the best ways to cultivate positivity in yourself is, ironically, knowing when to say “no.” If you’re someone who constantly says “yes,” chances are you’re also pretty exhausted. It’s hard to stay happy, healthy, and motivated when you’re moving through life under a huge weight of the excessive responsibilities you’ve accepted. This is no excuse to duck your obligations but identify and maintain healthy boundaries for yourself.

How do you make happiness a habit?

By Lora Ghawaly of Mavenly + Co, a community of young women having honest conversations about college, career, and life and helping them create a lifestyle by their own design. This post was originally published on Mavenly + Co. 

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