Career Profile: Hildy Kuryk, Artemis Strategies

Hildy Kuryk founder of the communications firm Artemis Strategies, previously worked for Bill Clinton’s White House, President Obama’s presidential campaigns, the Democratic National Convention, and for Anna Wintour at Vogue. Although her career path in politics, media, and fashion might seem juxtaposed, she primarily relied on one key skill throughout her career – communication.

“I want to help consumer businesses develop and integrate their values systems throughout all aspects of their businesses with a goal to grow their businesses while retaining and recruiting staff. I feel I have had a unique set of experiences that have given me good judgment when it comes to navigating potentially sensitive matters combined with the skill set to help clients navigate them,” says Kuryk. She works with clients on marketing strategies, brand building, and public relations with an emphasis on civic engagement and the political landscape.

“Now more than ever, consumers are demanding that the places they spend their money and their time, have values and stand for something. But doing that in an authentic way, while maintaining shareholder value and without turning off the people you are trying to engage, isn’t always easy,” Kuryk says.

Career Profile: Hildy Kuryk, Artemis Strategies

What inspired you to start Artemis Strategies? What was your career path?

After working in professional politics for almost 15 years and just completing the 2012 presidential race, I was burnt out. My husband and I are both from New York and we moved back to the city in January 2013, and I did two things I have never done before. One, I took three months off – did not do any work or even think about a job – and two, I saw a career coach. Both were life-affirming and opened my eyes and mind to the infinite possibilities of life after Washington D.C.

My work with my career coach was impactful on so many levels, but one of the things I came to see was how the skills I gained throughout my career thus far could be added value to future jobs and, most importantly, I learned how to talk about myself and my skills so that I was appealing to specific areas of interest.

During my self-imposed job exile, I had meetings with a lot of colleagues and supporters I had worked with on the campaign – one of them was with Anna Wintour. We had met in 2007 when I was working in New York for then-Senator Obama and when she began to support his campaign for president. We worked closely together over the following years and I came to value her advice as a mentor.

She asked me to apply for the role of communications director at Vogue, and after a rigorous interview process, I was hired that April 2013.

How did the skills you learned in your previous roles contribute to your success with Artemis Strategies?

My career in politics and at Vogue have taught me many invaluable lessons, but three simple things have served me well throughout my career thus far and have been invaluable as I have embarked on building Artemis. They are:

1) Listen before you speak.

2) Ask questions – but ask them in the right way at the right time.

3) It is okay to say “no” – even to Anna Wintour – it is all in the delivery.

When I was starting out in the Office of Legislative Affairs at the White House under President Bill Clinton I was a typical 21-year-old kid who thought I had landed in the center of everything (I had!) and knew everything. (I didn’t!) I quickly learned to shut up and listen – not just to what people were saying to me directly, but what was happening overall. I learned to just be quiet and hear how people comport themselves and to learn the different strategies they use to achieve their goals. These are seasoned professionals with years of experience with a true wealth of information ready for me to soak up.

Later on, when I was starting at Vogue, with no real experience in fashion or communications, listening was what helped me survive. Instead of “faking it till I made it,” I accepted that people knew I was a bit green and so I sat in meetings and listened instead of trying to show off what I thought I might know. I asked questions and wasn’t afraid of what people might think of me by asking them. I was okay with what I didn’t know and worked that much harder to get up-to-speed and prove I was worth the chance [Wintour] had taken on me.

And finally, saying “no.” For this one, I have to admit, I don’t see why everyone has such a problem with it. Saying “no” to someone in power is just like saying “no” (successfully) to your parents – it is all in the timing and the delivery. You would never deliver bad news to your mom or dad after a particularly long day at work right? No, you would wait until the optimum moment. Pretty much the same rules apply to delivering bad news or disagreeing with your boss.

When I have disagreed with a strategy or idea my boss has had (which really isn’t that often because I have been lucky enough to work with incredibly smart and spot-on people), I usually wait a beat, think it over and then go back to them in person and say something like, “With all due respect, I have to say I thought it over and I am not sure I agree with your point here for X and X reason. Ultimately, it is up to you, of course, but I wanted to share my thoughts”.

Now I know that is all easier said than done but nine times out of 10 they will respect you for being honest and for speaking your mind. You are only as good as the advice and counsel you give, and I promise sooner or later they will tire of a “yes” person.

How did you decide to leave the corporate world to start your own company? What was the catalyst?

I knew that communications and politics had jumped the shark because of two posts I saw on LinkedIn early in 2016. Both Bob Iger and Tim Cook put out proactive statements minutes after President Trump made his decision about Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. I remember being struck about how bold that was – two of America’s top companies were coming out against the president in relation to an issue that affected a relatively small number of people. Previously, companies would have too afraid of alienating customers to take a stand on a controversial topic but not now. Now CEOs know that customers and audiences are more informed and savvier than ever there are more choices and no one can afford not to engage. By stating their values, these companies are providing red lines for their customers.

In this current climate, doing the right thing has never been better for business.

Your clients include Conde Nast, theSkimm, Nordstrom and The Met. What type of communications work do you do for clients?

One thing I have truly enjoyed about building Artemis Strategies is that every client is different. The work I did for the Met in the lead up to the opening of their blockbuster spring exhibition, Fashion and the Catholic Imagination, is very different than the work I am doing with Nordstrom on their New York City philanthropic strategy to the #noxExcuses midterm election campaign I helped theSkimm launch to get 100K people out to vote this November. It is what keeps every day interesting and stretches my brain in new directions.

What’s the biggest lesson you learned at work and how did you learn it?

One of the hardest skills I learned throughout my career was how to manage people. Caring for someone’s career and motivating them to perform, while juxtaposing that against the goals of the overall organization, are some of the hardest and most valuable skills you can have in your arsenal. I promise you I made a ton of mistakes when I first managed a team – many of whom had been my friends – but I quickly saw and respected the boundaries that must be in place and I hope that I played a role in ensuring that people felt respected and supported amidst the craziness of a presidential campaign.

What is one thing that you wish you had known when you were starting out your career?

Careers are long! Looking back, everything felt so enormous and dramatic back then. There were times I loved my jobs and times when my jobs bored me. Lucky for me, more of my life has been spent in the former and I think that is the sum of it – find more things you love than bore you and get paid to do it.

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?

Outwork everyone else. Do it well and do it nicely.

What is your business advice for other young professional women?

Never turn down an opportunity. You may be tired, you may not see the value, but do it. Say “yes.” It will pay off for you down the road.

Photo courtesy of Hildy Kuryk/Artemis Strategies.

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