Your Guide to Getting an Entry-Level Job

Congratulations. After 17 years of school, you’ve graduated and you’re finally entering the so-called “real world.” (Because apparently where you’ve been living isn’t real?) Semantics aside, it’s time to find a job so you can pay for all those “real world” bills.

If you haven’t interned or worked part-time or summer jobs before, this might be the very first time you write your resume, go on job interviews, and sell yourself as the perfect hire. Just a little scary, right?

Your Guide to Finding an Entry-Level Job

But don’t panic, because there’s one thing we can promise you: you can find a job, even in a competitive job market. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for college graduates in March 2018 was 2.2% — that means 97.8% of college graduates find employment.

You can be one of them—it just takes a few steps (and isn’t nearly as hard as trying to hit 10,000 on a FitBit, promise.)

Here’s your guide to handling every post-grad freakout and landing your first job.

Read the rest of my article on Monster.